First STP & ACREW Superyacht Professional Development a Huge Success

A new iniciative came up from the Directorate of STP, destined for customers ...

First STP & ACREW Superyacht Professional Development a Huge Success

May 22, 2014

Written by Zuzana Bednarova

A new iniciative came up from the Directorate of STP, destined for customers who choose the shipyard every year to do their refit as well as maintenance jobs. Most of the 1,500 people that work at STP Shipyard Palma every season repairing and maintaining yachts, are Captains and Crew that spend days, weeks or even months in Mallorca, preparing their yachts to cruise in the best conditions.

First STP&ACREW Superyacht Professional Development a Huge Success

First STP&ACREW Superyacht Professional Development a Huge Success

Within the STP service policy, an important goal is to make the customers stay easier and give an added value to their job at the shipyard. This is why STP and ACREW, events Company and the largest community of Captains and Crew, have created this training sessions called STP & ACREW SUPERYACHT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, which after its success seems to continue without doubt.

During the two days that lasted the event, STP and ACREW organized a series of workshops, lectures, simulations, and educational activities, all of them for free for customers, getting a certificate of assistance at the end that will contribute in the professional development of their careers. And the response was outstanding. Nearly 400 professionals passed by the classes and the practice fields installed in STP.

All courses offered covered several common activities and some sessions were especially prepared for Captains, engineers, interior and deck.

Ropes and rigging courses had the highest level of assistance. This sessions were programmed for being STP the shipyard that receives most vessels for repairing and maintenance in Europe, and for being Mallorca a special destination for this kind of boats.

STP&ACREW Superyacht Professional Development

STP&ACREW Superyacht Professional Development

Some other remarkable courses were ‘Culture and Etiquette’ and ‘Service Styles, Bartending and Cocktails’, that together with ‘Fire Fighting Training’ were the most practical ones. In the Fire Fighting Training course, all participants could ckeck out their aim with hoses and learned to rescue an injured person in a boat full of smoke were you cannot see anything.

Other very interesting courses were ‘Efficiency’, ‘Healthy Living Onboard’, and ‘Halogen vs. LED Lighting Onboard’.

There were some other recreational activities such as a networking lunch and a great barbecue as a final closure for all participants that featured a performance of international DJ Dani L Mebius. The party lasted until midnight and from then onwards it continued at the Guiness House which offered a 2×1 to all participants.

Probably, this courses provide a basis of knowledge and motivation, not only for being interesting but also useful for those who have decided to invest in Mallorca and particularly in STP for the maintenance and repairing of their boats.

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