Viking 92 Convertible yacht’s hull infused

The Viking Yacht Company, nearing its 50th Anniversary on April 1, 2014, ...

Viking 92 Convertible yacht’s hull infused

December 23, 2013

Written by Eva Belanyiova

The Viking Yacht Company, nearing its 50th Anniversary on April 1, 2014, included yet another entry in the record book on Tuesday with the infusion of the hull of their new flagship Viking 92 Convertible Yacht, which is due to launch in September, 2014. The luxury yacht Viking 92 Convertible is the largest resin infused convertible sportfishing yacht to be constructed in the United States.

Latest Viking 92 Convertible Yacht

Latest Viking 92 Convertible Yacht

Viking’s custom tailored infusion process to manufacture fiberglass yachts began several years ago. As opposed to the more traditional open mold manufacturing process, resin infusion utilizes a vacuum-bagged mold, which totally encloses the dry fiberglass, carbon fiber, and Kevlar laminates, and the appropriate coring materials. When the supply manifold is opened, the resin is pulled through the mold infusing the laminations in one step, and because the styrene in the resin cures while sealed from the atmosphere, there are no emissions, creating a very clean work environment.

Resin infusion delivers a precise 60% laminate, 40% resin ratio to produce an extremely strong part and weight savings, which also enhances performance and efficiency. Boat building with its resin infusion process represents Viking’s enduring commitment to build a better boat every day.

The first Viking 92 Convertible superyacht will feature a climate-controlled enclosed bridge and a customPalm Beach Towers’ tuna tower, and is slated to make its world’s premiere at the 2014 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in October.

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