ISS Announces 2012-2015 Board of Directors

The ISS (International Superyacht Society) announces its 2012-2015 Board of ...

ISS Announces 2012-2015 Board of Directors

February 07, 2012

Written by Chelsea Smith

The ISS (International Superyacht Society) announces its 2012-2015 Board of Directors and Past Presidents Council. ISS elections are held annually by peer selection. During 2011, ISS membership ratified changes to the Association’s Bylaws which now state that a total of 24 elected Board members will serve three-year terms.

During the 2012, 2013 and 2014 election cycles, the ISS Board will be in transition. For the current year and based on a democratic voting system, ISS members have awarded eight Board positions for three years and four Board positions for one-year terms with the opportunity to re-run for the 2013-2016 term. With the 2014 election, the fully constituted Board will be in place, satisfying the revised parameters outlined in the Society’s Bylaws.

Representing global interests, both the ISS Executive Committee and Board of Directors are well represented. Of the Executive Committee, three members are based full-time in Europe, two full-time in the U.S. and one with homes and business interests in both regions. Of the Board, eight are based in Europe, 14 in the United States and one in Australia.

The ISS Executive Committee was elected by the Board of Directors during its Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show Board Meeting.

Executive Committee: 3-Year Term, Concluding 31 December 2014

Ken Hickling, Awlgrip Paint, President
Dieter Jaenicke, Viking Recruitment Limited, Vice President
Bransom Bean, Fine Focus, Treasurer
Rob Carron, Marsh, Secretary
Norma Trease, Salamanca Marine, Board Representative
Bob Saxon, International Yacht Collection, Past President

ISS Board of Directors
2012-2015: 3-Year Term
Bransom Bean, Fine Focus
Dorien Bilterijst, Moonen Shipyards
Diane Byrne,
Victor Caminada, Amels B.V.
Sylke auf dem Graben, Lürssen
Michael Moore, Moore & Co.
Ward Setzer, Setzer Design Group/Impulse Yachts
John D. Venables, Naiad Marine

2011-2013: 1 Year of 2-Year Term Remaining
AJ Anderson, Wright Maritime Group
Jill Bobrow, Jill Bobrow Associates LLC
Rob Carron, Marsh Insurance
Ron Cleveringa, Burger Boat Company
Andrew Doole, Show Management
Sabrina Farmer, International Maritime Associates
Michele Flandin, Oceanco
Gary Groenewold, Westrec Marinas
Isabelle Huet, Blohm + Voss Shipyards GmbH
Dieter Jaenicke, Viking Recruitment Ltd.

2012-2013: 1 Year Term
Danielle J. Grucci Butler, Fowler White Burnett, P.A.
Gina Last, Dockwise Yacht Transport
Chris Layton, Superyacht Solutions, Pty Ltd
Scott Lockman, Marsh Private Client Services

Past Presidents Council
Ray Carrell, MTU
Lance Cushion, Ad-Vantage, Ltd.
Richard Hein, VegaYachts
Mark Masciarotte, DSG Associates
Joe Purtell, Interlux Paints
Bob Saxon, International Yacht Collection
Doug Sharp, Douglas Sharp Yacht Design

About International Superyacht Society

ISS was founded in 1989 and represents the large yacht industry. Its fundamental mission is to build alliances worldwide with regional associations; to serve as communications conduit for issues affecting the marketplace, owners, crew and industry members; and to recognize achievement as well as provide educational opportunities and networking events.

Each year ISS presents its peer-reviewed Design and Leadership Awards, which recognize individuals and companies for their expertise, leadership and dedication to raising the standards of design, construction, maintenance, repair and operation of large yachts.

Networking and educational programs are conducted internationally and include open forums, informal gatherings and round-tables.

It is ISS’s priority to foster dialogue among Society members and others in the large yacht segment of the marine industry, leading to the strengthening and growth of the business interests of Society members and the industry as a whole.

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