GOST launches 4th Generation Nav-Tracker Website

Global Ocean Security Technologies (GOST – formerly Paradox Marine) has ...

GOST launches 4th Generation Nav-Tracker Website

October 13, 2011

Written by Zuzana Bednarova

Global Ocean Security Technologies (GOST – formerly Paradox Marine) has introduced a new, 4th generation, GOST Nav-Tracker website. The new website is a progressive web-based application that permits to monitor GOST’s wide range of Inmarsat satellite based GPS tracking, security & monitoring systems from whatever place in the world. GOST’s sophisticated technology now permits users to remotely control a relay on board their vessel to turn on/off whatever AC/DC function from the website, remotely over satellite by the click of a mouse.

“We have completely redesigned the new 4th generation GOST Nav-Tracker website incorporating both Google & Bing mapping applications with the ability to change from road to satellite to hybrid view. We have also added the ability for users to create several different types of website based geo-fences and actually draw them right onto the embedded mapping software,” said GOST President & CEO Jay Keenan.
GOST Nav-Tracker website users can choose from several geo-fence options, including alerts generated when a vessel travels outside a defined route or when a vessel enters or exits a pre-defined geo-fence. The new website will also allow users to view a history of the last 90 days of the vessel’s positions and to overlay a trace (breadcrumb trail) of their vessel, or fleet of vessels, with their exact current location and precisely where they have been.

The new site continues to offer the distinctive capability of two-way communication with the Nav-tracker unit. This feature is extremely important in the event the boat is stolen and needs to be tracked or loved ones are concerned about an overdue vessel. Users can arm/disarm the geo-fence, increase reporting intervals and even poll the unit to get the vessel’s exact position, latitude, longitude, speed and heading, in seconds. Enhanced capabilities now allow users to also drive a relay to turn on or off ANY A/C or D/C function on the vessel, all from the website.

If security or monitoring sensors on the vessel are tripped, the website will immediately send up to 10 text or email recipients a message alerting them to the event that has occurred. Users have the ability to select which alerts go to which users. The website’s Fleet Manager also allows multiple users to hold different levels of access to the site, from view only options to complete control of entire fleets.

The GOST Nav-Tracker system, in conjunction with Inmarsat’s Satellite Network, provide true global coverage everywhere except the most extreme poles with 99.99% reliability mandated by the IMO. Honorably, GOST received a medal from the US Coast Guard for their assistance in vessel recoveries.

Some insurance companies now require GPS tracking devices, like the GOST Nav-Tracker, to be installed on high performance boats and boats with high-horsepower outboards. Many insurance companies now offer discounts off annual premiums for vessels with GOST security, monitoring, tracking or surveillance systems on board.

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